Portrait of the week Branko Arnsek:
music addicted
Marisa Sass-Baitis, 02.11.2016, Wochenblatt Stuttgart
He is a musician, composer and producer in one person, speaks many greats of the music world
with first name and is successful on national as well as international stage. But on the
The otherwise eloquent Arnsek is silent on the question of his favorite project. Not because
he knew nothing to say, but rather because he can not decide because in
Each of his projects has a dash of heart and soul.

"Salsa, jazz, Cuban music - that's where I feel at home. This music is honest and powerful, it touches people, awakens emotions, captivates them. That's the way it should be. "He interrupts himself, thinks for a moment, then continues, smiling:" Although it is an incredibly versatile genre of music, jazz is not widely heard in public. I just want to capture the many unknown and neglected streams to present to the general public, and I've started a fantastic quartet to do so. Half of our pieces are already available, 2017 is the time. This is my favorite project right now. "

The roots of the musical passion of the native Slovenian go back to far into childhood, to the accordion-playing father, the singing mother, to house music and the first piano lesson lessons. Nevertheless, he decides on a solid training as a glass painter, works later at Daimler, plays in this and that band, travels a lot. Only his fatherhood gives the impetus to "do something serious", so that the future of the offspring is secured. "At that time there was no jazz study, so I went to Bern to the Swiss Jazz School and studied double bass and electric bass." In addition to the beloved jazz, he discovers Latin American rhythms, gets inspired by gamelan music as well as the so-called gypsy music and touring with different bands in different cast throughout Europe. "It was a great time with many highlights. For example, our appearance on Russian television is one of my greatest successes to date. Only one thing I regret: that at that time, because of the fear of embarrassing myself, I refused a commitment from the jazz legend Archie Shepp. "

Today, the 57-year-old is firmly established in the music scene, but sometimes, when he smokes a cigar relaxed on his balcony in the evening, he wishes that musicians and their art would be given a little more appreciation. "You do not have it easy or get rich in the business. Conversely, you have to be well networked, constantly show presence and offer new, unused projects. "The latter at least should not be a problem, because as far as interesting ideas are concerned, the music addict Arnsek does not run out of steam:" Maybe I'll do a live Project with very young people. I think that's exciting. "

On November 9, Arnsek celebrates his 40th anniversary with the Guttenberger Brothers at the Theaterhaus. Further tour dates: 14. 11. 16 box Stuttgart; 17. 11. 16 Jazzhaus Heidelberg; 24. 11. 16 Nursery Elsäßer Stuttgart-Vaihingen; 28. 11. 16 box Stuttgart; 8. 12. 16 Eumel Stuttgart; 11. 12. 16 Bar Stuttgart; 15. 12. 16 Cave 61 Heilbronn